Three years of Liberty. Thank God!
Freedom stretches only as far as the limits of our consciousness.
3 years since.. I left job, home, stability, 'normalcy' ... three years since I committed to completely living my life (I've definitely forgotten the commitment on lotsa days). And what that means has changed over time.. what the hell does it mean?
I sought freedom, and to yoke myself to only one thing - what I saw as my highest purpose. I wanted to be free of constraints, to do what I love. I still struggle for the balance. I travelled for almost a year, then settled here and have been working (way too much) since then. Some of my work is kind of mundane, some - I never dreamed I'd have the privilege of doing. Still, I have days where I wonder if I was/am a better 'self' when I was homeless and wandering.
Liberty, she pirouettes, when I think that I am free
I did the Radar-Schooner hike again yesterday, at high tide - took a long time.. With Diana the huntress. It was a beautiful sunny day. Walked past some of those same dreams as two-and-a-half years ago (, this time - many have come true. Saw my eagle brother-father, for the first time in a year or so. He said again, just like he did when he first got my attention twenty years ago - "Grab your things, I've come to take you home."
And today, again, I commit to saying, "you can keep my things, they've come to take me home."