Friday, January 6, 2012

2012, Face into the Current (if otters can do it...)

It's finally here, where are we? Who are we?

I asked my brother that some years ago, when he was struggling with stuff, to ask himself: who am I? He returned the question to me some months ago.

2012 is a number. As is 13. 72. 99. Wayne Gretzky. 454 is a great engine, as well as the number of grams in a pound. At 5:55 he came walkin through the front door smilin'...

Choices. In studying warriorship lately I've come to see that as one of the fundamental factors. As well as integrity and a constant awareness of Death. And doing everything with joy and humour. Like otters. Choice and Intention are sort of the same, except not. You choose, then you intend to carry it through.
Choices, Integrity, Awareness of Death, Humour, Intention.

Awareness of Death.

We have 350 days left till the end of the world. Phewf. Will Stephen Harper still be PM? Will people still go hungry while we fish the seas out of sardines to feed to caged up salmon, at a rate of four pounds of sardines to produce one pound of salmon? 4:1. Numbers have significance for us. And really - we all want the world to end. Fer fucksake - will someone change it already? I can't bear to look anymore... it's breaking everyone's hearts (not mine though).

O' great ocean
want to break the hearts of everyone
run to the ocean
want to be your wheezing screen door
ru-un to the sea..
want to be your stars of Algonquin

I had a dream last night - there was an otter in the river. It was hovering in the water, facing upstream, nose in the current. Then it clambered up out of the water and stood next to me, arms at its sides, looking straight ahead, with intention. As it did so it turned into a four-foot-tall black and white whiskered "Being," with a pink pot-belly. It was a "Being," or had become one - by having an intention, and following through on it.

There was a pool in the river where the rocks had been piled to the downstream edge so others could swim and enjoy. It had been done generations ago, by people who no longer existed. The rocks were shaped like otters. They had been shaped that way by facing into the current for so long. They even had eye-lumps of stone. All their lives, forever, those rocks had just wished to face into the current. And so became more than just rocks. They enjoyed facing into the current, for all to see, with intention, to show others what they could make themselves.

Lesson: rocks are alive and have intentions.

All things are alive, all things are "beings," and have intentions.

Everything. Even 2012. Even Wayne Gretzky. Even You.

I have a fantasy: it is that everyone takes their sincerest, most personal, sensitive, fragile, naive, goofy, ambitious, optimistic, crazy hope - and decides to make it come true this year.

Launch your book, movie, self-help group, business, clinic, blog, trip, mission, desire - this year. Start a new kind of food bank. Paint. It has to be something good, for others, something that will make the world better. I'd say - prepare it all year, and launch it on December 21, 2012. But really - if you can do it tomorrow - go for it. Lets make it a whole year of crazy dreams!

Or maybe you have a war to fight; to end fish-farming, or open-pit copper mines. Or maybe you seek to connect with your fellow soul-warriors and form a new group of knights that protect the Earth, or protect those who can't protect themselves...

If we all launch our dreams this year we will have a New World by the time we're done.
I double-dog dare ya.

You are a Warrior. Stones can turn themselves into Otters. Otters can turn themselves into "Beings." You can turn your self into a Dream, an Intentional Warrior, A Hero.. Prepare. Prepare to make a New World.

2012 is the number of Intention.

Who are WE? Who we choose to be.


  1. U2, Tragically Hip.
    Please read this:
    I'll talk about it soon. Inspirational.
    We are not alone..

  2. Well well well..
    Someone had his Wheaties this morning. I believe more than ever, Brother that this is the year of ALL.
    I started something I've wanted to do for a long time on the first. Feels good - sets the pace for accomplishment, no matter the size or relevance.
    I miss ya, buddy.
    Well written weird post this one - ah loiks it..

  3. Yeah, I tried to out non-linear myself on this one...
    Miss you too bro.

  4. I like the phrase
    Awareness of Death - not fear, but awareness.
