Ready for 2012 yet?
Oh, wait - it's here!
And it's got a different feel than I expected. I've just started reading The Eye of the I, by David Hawkins, the author or Power vs. Force.
Everyone seems to be going through positive changes.
I love this time of year! In Nova Scotia, where I grew up, it happens in March - late March. Here - it's now, or the last week or so, and lasting... who knows how long! It's the time when sap starts to run up the insides of trees, birds start to move around and migrate (and mate), Nature - waking up. Sexy. In the frozen places I've lived, but particularly those with hardwood trees; Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Ontario - you can feel it like a shudder deep in the earth, before you can actually see anything. Then the bird-singing starts..
And people all over the World are waking up too.
In Power vs. Force the author lays out this wierd scale of 'enlightenment', from 0 to 1,000. The lowest levels are things like hopelessness, anger, desire, fear, guilt, pride. Those are all below 200. At 200 we hit a point of Courage, where we're actually looking forward in life. 500 is Universal Love, most people don't get there yet. Ghandi was at 700. The founders of the great religions (and the religions themselves, at least when they started out, were all in the "just under 1000" level (ps - he says Mahayana Buddhism has stayed closest to that, remaining at about 960, Zen at 890 (pps - it's not a contest;))).
He says humanity hovered at about 190, below the tipping point of 200, for most of written history, until the 1990's, where "it suddenly jumped to the hopeful level of 207". According to Hawkins this is the first time in human history we are actually, as a global species - looking forward with courage and optimism.
I feel that. And I feel it in my own life. I seem to have gotten through a challenging winter where I was tempted a few times to bail out and run for cover, but instead I stuck to the plan, and now I'm moving into a kind of dream-life that I could never have imagined years ago. And yet - I guess I did imagine it on some level, and not only that, but - resolved to get there, or I wouldn't be here now.
What are we, as a global species, as HUMANITY - imagining? What are we resolving to get to in the future? And what past dreams are we realizing?
In an animated convo with some friends tonight I said "the end-of-the-world-people have it wrong - what if; we get an earthquake, tidal wave, famine, and disease, and the power grid and "global economic system" collapse, all at the same time, and people just give up: give up on holding on to all their shit, and instead say, 'man, what a rough day, you look hungry, wanna share my last box of oreo's (they're not making any more)?'"
Later, walking on the beach under a clouded sliver moon, I realized why I saw things that way - I went a year and a half without a home. No place to go back to, no net. And I was fine. I will never see life the same way. I can't wait to have space to allow the homeless and hopelessly idealistic to crash on my couch for months on end...
What if we just give up on having stuff, having lines between us, having 'mine'? Won't that blow them away? All the people who think they can control the outcome, they can dictate what we want and do, make us go to war and kill each other, or put ourselves in an early grave for someone else's benefit?
I learned transmission meditation years ago. I still do it. Well, a modified version. They are associated with Share International, which even has a magazine. I met the founder in London a few years back. He's cool. I've always loved that name. Share Inter-Nation-al. Let's go beyond the country of you 'n me.
If we share - nobody can control us: humanity is free.